Usługi hostingowe cloud

Usługi hostingowe Cloud Wrocław


  • Launching and configuring e-mail in the company
  • Management of users and passwords
  • Mail migration and recovery
  • E-mail problems solving


  • Domain registration and maintenance
  • Recovering lost domains
  • Launching websites
  • Configuration and selection of hosting
  • Registration and configuration of the SSL certificate


  • Implementation of a private file cloud
  • Transferring data from computers to the cloud
  • Cloud users management
  • Backup and recovery of deleted files


  • Launching and installing a virtual server
  • Migration of local servers to the cloud
  • Tally of communication from the client’s headquarters and remote users
  • Reduction of infrastructure purchase costs
  • Increasing the reliability and security of services


  • Consulting in choosing a solution
  • Selection, delivery, and maintenance of the license
  • Shared calendars across your company’s organization
  • Teamwork in files
  • User training from the operation


  • Off-site data protection
  • Backup monitoring
  • Workstation backups
  • Server and data recovery after failures
  • Running the server on cloud resources

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Usługi Cloud dla firm

Do you want your company to be more flexible, mobile and take full advantage of digital opportunities? The solution is comprehensive cloud services for companies, thanks to which you will gain access to the latest technologies without increasing high costs related to the purchase and maintenance of IT infrastructure.

We provide installation, configuration, and management of virtual servers- this will allow for quick and easy migration of local servers to the cloud, which results in savings in terms of infrastructure purchase costs and increased
reliability and security of the services.

We also offer a file cloud that makes storing and sharing files within your organization simple and secure. Our hosting provides reliable and fast internet services, and our mail and domains allow you to easily manage your emails 
and domain addresses.

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Do you want to operate quickly, effectively, and above all safely in the online world of your business? Do you want to access your files online 24/7 from anywhere in the world? Try cloud service! An automatic backup will ensure that your data will always be safe and you won’t be afraid of data loss again!

Reduction of own infrastructure costs

No expenses related to energy server and room security

No equipment depreciation costs

Data security thanks to automatic backups

Flexible adjustment of IT resources to business needs

Quick opportunity to increase available IT resources

24/7 online access from anywhere in the world

Easy access to files on multiple devices

Teamwork, the possibility of working together on documents

High system reliability and availability

usługi w chmurze

Usługi w chmurze

Cloud computing, also known as the Cloud, is a solution, that has revolutionized the way of operating companies. Thanks to it, you can work from far away, have constant access to data and numerous tools, and easily scale IT resources to business needs. As an IT specialist, I offer comprehensive services related to implementing cloud solutions in your company.

Przede wszystkim, wdrożenie Cloud to inwestycja w przyszłość. Dzięki temu zyskujesz pewność, że Twoja firma jest gotowa na szybkie zmiany, które mogą pojawić się w branży. 

Wdrażanie rozwiązań chmurowych to także sposób na oszczędność czasu i pieniędzy. Nie musisz już martwić się o zakup i utrzymanie drogiej infrastruktury IT na własnym terenie, a także o rekrutowanie specjalistów do jej obsługi. Wszystko to zostaje przekazane w ręce ekspertów, którzy dbają o to, aby Twoja firma działała sprawnie i bezpiecznie.

Implementing a cloud in your establishment also means increasing flexibility and mobility. As a result, your employees can work from anywhere in the world, and additively you have constant access to data that enables you to make quick and informed business decisions.


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